Akkupalon vaarat puhuttelee USA:ssa.
New York:ssa paloi sähköavusteisten polkupyörien myyntiin ja huoltoihin erikoistunut liike, palossa menehtyi 4 ihmistä.
Paloviranomainen lausui palosta seuraavasti: “It is very clear that this was caused by lithium-ion batteries and e-bikes. There is a very large number of both batteries and e-bikes. This location is known to the fire department, we have written violations at this location before, and we have conducted enforcement in this location before,” Commissioner Laura Kavanagh said.
Kavanagh called lithium-ion batteries “incredibly deadly” because so much fire is created when they ignite. “It can often be too late, as soon as the fire has begun,” she said.